
SENECTUS GmbH|„We appreciate your dexterity and finessed approach during challenging contract negotiations.“

“After the successful completion of an agreement between a German pension fund and our project company, IIB Inselpark lmmobilienbesitzgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG I, which has been facilitated by your company, we would like to thank you very much for the excellent cooperation. Our successful collaboration started with the first exchange of ideas on potential marketing activities and concluded with the execution of the contract in the notary’s office. Along the way, we appreciated your dexterity and finessed approach during challenging contract negotiations as well as your ideas for alternative sales contract mechanisms, which led us to the desired success. They accompanied us in the valuation of the property and in the selection and approach of potential investors. Your comprehensive knowledge of the market and your network reach to suitable market participants were of great benefit to us. With your help we were able to conclude the transaction professionally and within a manageable period of time.”

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