
04.02.2020 | Distribution

The promising marketing process of a property requires a future-oriented development and realistic valuation in the first step. The cherry on top is to lead the project development to success with target group-oriented and tailor-made marketing strategies for the respective markets and its conditions, thus connecting the property with the right buyer. And that´s exactly where we come in! In the case of new construction developments, both private and institutional investors increasingly come into consideration as potential buyer groups. Since both target groups have very different needs, it is important to analyse well in advance what is best for the seller and the property. Due to our many years of experience in the real estate industry, we know the demands of both worlds, i. e. individual sales and global sales, very well.


  • Individual sales
  • Global sales
  • Renting
  • Capital Mediation

04.02.2020 | Project Marketing

Only a tailor-made concept turns a new building into a highly attractive and fascinating object for the target group – and that has a lot to do with emotions, design and a strong story. A new building with history? Every area has its own history, which is indicated by street names, the district or a previous use. In most cases that represents an excellent basis for a marketing concept. And such marketing concept includes the whole range of modern communication channels, which NEUBAUTEAM applies together with a partner network of marketing agencies: an individual corporate design with name and logo, an dedicated project website optimized for smartphones and tablets, an high-quality image film about the project, often even a showroom and of course high-quality brochures other meaningful sales documents. In other words, a marketing concept that creates maximum attention and individual recognition value for each project. In order to do so we have to make a new, yet non-existing, building project as perfectly illustrative as possible – for instance by creating stunning 3D visualizations. NEUBAUTEAM sets higher standards of quality and perfection compared to others. Also the area of virtual reality, i.e. object inspections with the help of VR glasses from anywhere in the world, becomes more and more interesting for our target groups, which is why we work with the best partners on the market.


  • Corporate Design and Identity
  • Logo
  • Brochures
  • Print and online ads
  • Banner
  • Website
  • Newsletter
  • Image film
  • Showroom
  • virtual reality
  • Real estate portals
  • Public relations

04.02.2020 | Planning optimization

The results of our extensive project analysis enable us to advise clients comprehensively and effectively. After all, whether the sale of the apartments is successful ultimately depends on the appropriate apartment sizes, floor plans and fittings. Sounds logical, because in Hamburg districts such as Hamburg-Blankenese or Rotherbaum, tenants or buyers have different requirements than in Schnelsen or Langenhorn. Together with the customer and an interior designer, NEUBAUTEAM configures an optimal equipment and design concept for the respective project – that includes everything from fittings to bathroom tiles.


  • Floor plan
  • Equipment consultation
  • Design concept
  • Sampling

04.02.2020 | Project analysis

At the beginning of every new building project there are always many questions. For example: What is the demand at the respective location? What does the potential tenant/buyer clientele look like? What rental income and purchase prices can the developers expect? We make sure that no such questions remain unanswered for our clients. Through competition and infrastructure analyses, target group definitions and the evaluation of socio-demographic data, we can steer every construction project in a direction that will ensure smooth marketing later on.


  • Competitive analysis
  • Infrastructure analysis
  • Evaluation of sociodemographic data
  • Definition of target groups and personas
  • Pricing analysis

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